Par Wheat Ale Alc 4.5%, IBU: 12
GolfBeer’s team of beer experts has devoted a lot of Heart and Mind to long-term fermentation to create beer lines for Golfers and Craft beer lovers, bringing a strong flavor, Cool and delicately fragrant beer with a strong style. Golfers’
Par Wheat Ale was born in early 2024 and is a truly quality beer 3 years after GolfBeer was born, and Par was born with a very special meaning.
Par is the golfer’s golf result in each match in 18 holes in rounds and always wants and conquers this result!
Wheat: Wheat is imported to be dried and crushed into Malt Wheat to brew into batches of smooth, golden beer.
Ale is a typical craft beer yeast from Europe that makes up Craft Beer products
Par Wheat Ale is a Special Craft Beer from Wheat Malt, using Fragrant Hops that are brewed for 18 hours and fermented for up to 18 days as standard for 18 holes of ParPar scoring golf.
The beer product has a golden color, a mist-like turbidity, and a tropical scent like ripe banana, or some people think it’s a passion fruit flavor, or a light tangerine peel…this makes a difference. Different from all other Beers on the market.
In particular, the moderate alcohol content is only 4.5% Alc and moreover, the bitterness of Bitter Hops with this line, Golfbeer experts have lowered it to only IBU 10-12 to make it easier to drink and enjoy after each golf match at golf clubs. Domestic and International Golf Courses
GolfBeer confirms that 100% of its Fresh Beer, whether from the Filling Machine or Bottled, is Fresh Beer – Naturally Fermented Craft Beer
Beneficial for digestion, good for health when consumed in moderate amounts!
We have samples of 5 different bottle labels as well as colorful Golfer styles and outfits but the underlying essence is always the same!
To order beer to drink at home, you can immediately call 0988701010 or for more detailed information, call 0945702323 (24/7)
Par Wheat Ale Alc 4,5%, IBU 12, Là Sản phẩm bia thủ công , được nấu từ Malt Lúa Mì Nhập Khẩu,Nẩu cùng với nhiều Hoa Bia Thơm lên men nổi từ 18 ngày, Bia có màu vàng óng, đục như sương, như nước cam vắt, có mùi hương nhiệt đới như chuối chín, hay có người lầm tưởng đó là hương chanh dây, hay mùi vỏ quýt nhẹ nhàng…điều này tạo nên sự khác biệt. Khác biệt với tất cả các loại bia khác trên thị trường.
Par Wheat Ale Alc 4.5%, IBU 12, is a craft beer product, brewed from Imported Wheat Malt, Soaked with many Fragrant Hops fermented for 18 days, the beer is golden in color, cloudy like mist, like squeezed orange juice, has a tropical scent like ripe banana, or some people mistakenly think it is the scent of passion fruit, or the gentle scent of tangerine peel…this makes a difference. Different from all other beers on the market.